Jakarta Coffee Builder

Jakarta EE Project Generator

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Jakarta Coffee Builder Plugin

GitHub last commit

This plugin allows you to add Jakarta EE functionality, including dependencies (if missing) and sample code in a light, fast and clear way.

You do not need to add the plugin description in the pom.xml file. You can run it from the command line as follows:

Jakarta Faces

Add Jakarta Faces Configuration

Add Jakarta Faces Servlet configuration in web.xml file

mvn com.apuntesdejava:jakarta-coffee-builder-plugin:add-faces 


Parameter Definition Default value
url-pattern This parameter defines the URL pattern for all Faces pages. This value will be included in the servlet configuration. *.faces
welcome-file This parameter indicates which page is displayed at startup by default. It must be related to the url-pattern parameter index.faces


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="6.0" xmlns="https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/jakartaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
         xsi:schemaLocation="https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/jakartaee https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/jakartaee/web-app_6_0.xsd">
        <description>Jakarta Faces Servlet Definition</description>

Add Jakarta Faces Page

Add a Face page, associating it with a Managed Bean. It can also be done by using a specified Facelet template

mvn com.apuntesdejava:jakarta-coffee-builder-plugin:add-face-page


Parameter Definition Default value
name Name of the Face page to create  
managed-bean Boolean value indicating whether or not the Managed Bean class associated with the Face is created. true
template Path of the Facelet template to be implemented for the Face to be created. This parameter is optional  

Jakarta Persistence

Add Jakarta Persistence Configuration

Add Jakarta Persistence configuration in persistence.xml file

mvn com.apuntesdejava:jakarta-coffee-builder-plugin:add-persistence


Parameter Definition Default value
persistence-unit-name This parameter defines the name of the persistence unit. This value will be included in the persistence configuration. defaultPU

Add DataSource configuration

Add DataSource configuration

mvn com.apuntesdejava:jakarta-coffee-builder-plugin:add-datasource


Parameter Definition Default value
name This parameter defines the JNDI name of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration.  
class-name This parameter defines the driver class of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
url This parameter defines the URL of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration.  
username This parameter defines the username of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration.  
password This parameter defines the password of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration.  
coordinates-jdbc This parameter defines the coordinates of the JDBC driver. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. com.h2database:h2:1.4.200
declare Indicates how the DataSource is to be declared in the application. Possible values are web.xml class class
server-name This parameter defines the server name of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration.  
port-number This parameter defines the port number of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration.  
properties This parameter defines the properties of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration.  
persistence-unit This parameter defines the name of the persistence unit. This value will be included in the persistence configuration.