Jakarta Coffee Builder Plugin
This plugin allows you to add Jakarta EE functionality, including dependencies (if missing) and sample code in a light, fast and clear way.
You do not need to add the plugin description in the pom.xml
file. You can run it from the command line as follows:
Jakarta Faces
Add Jakarta Faces Configuration
Add Jakarta Faces Servlet configuration in web.xml
mvn com.apuntesdejava:jakarta-coffee-builder-plugin:add-faces
Parameter | Definition | Default value |
url-pattern |
This parameter defines the URL pattern for all Faces pages. This value will be included in the servlet configuration. | *.faces |
welcome-file |
This parameter indicates which page is displayed at startup by default. It must be related to the url-pattern parameter |
index.faces |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="6.0" xmlns="https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/jakartaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/jakartaee https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/jakartaee/web-app_6_0.xsd">
<description>Jakarta Faces Servlet Definition</description>
Add Jakarta Faces Page
Add a Face page, associating it with a Managed Bean. It can also be done by using a specified Facelet template
mvn com.apuntesdejava:jakarta-coffee-builder-plugin:add-face-page
Parameter | Definition | Default value |
name |
Name of the Face page to create | |
managed-bean |
Boolean value indicating whether or not the Managed Bean class associated with the Face is created. | true |
template |
Path of the Facelet template to be implemented for the Face to be created. This parameter is optional |
Jakarta Persistence
Add Jakarta Persistence Configuration
Add Jakarta Persistence configuration in persistence.xml
mvn com.apuntesdejava:jakarta-coffee-builder-plugin:add-persistence
Parameter | Definition | Default value |
persistence-unit-name |
This parameter defines the name of the persistence unit. This value will be included in the persistence configuration. | defaultPU |
Add DataSource configuration
Add DataSource configuration
mvn com.apuntesdejava:jakarta-coffee-builder-plugin:add-datasource
Parameter | Definition | Default value |
name |
This parameter defines the JNDI name of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. | |
class-name |
This parameter defines the driver class of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. | org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource |
url |
This parameter defines the URL of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. | |
username |
This parameter defines the username of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. | |
password |
This parameter defines the password of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. | |
coordinates-jdbc |
This parameter defines the coordinates of the JDBC driver. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. | com.h2database:h2:1.4.200 |
declare |
Indicates how the DataSource is to be declared in the application. Possible values are web.xml class |
class |
server-name |
This parameter defines the server name of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. | |
port-number |
This parameter defines the port number of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. | |
properties |
This parameter defines the properties of the DataSource. This value will be included in the DataSource configuration. | |
persistence-unit |
This parameter defines the name of the persistence unit. This value will be included in the persistence configuration. |