Jakarta Coffee Builder

Jakarta EE Project Generator

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Jakarta EE Essentials Archetype Maven Central Version

Maven Central Last Update

With this archetype you can create a Jakarta EE project with minimal dependencies and configurations.

This will allow you to have a clean and clear pom.xml file so you can add more configurations as needed.


To create a new Jakarta EE project using this archetype, run the following command:

mvn -DarchetypeGroupId=com.apuntesdejava \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=jakarta-ee-essentials \
    -DjakartaProfile={jakartaProfile} \
    -DjakartaVersion={jakartaVersion} \

Values for jakartaProfile property:

Values for jakartaVersion property:

📌 Note

As of this post, it is only creating the dependency for Jakarta EE 11, version 11.0.0-M4